Posted in Cro-fusion

2011 new day dawning

Well Since Microsoft has moved my space to WordPress I thought this would be a good time to get back on track with keeping up with me. I hope it will also redirect me back to my textile arts. One might think this is a resolution but I am not a fan of new years resolutions since I resolve all year-long and have kept many of them throughout the year. I  have wanted to start a series of summer/winter pillows. I found several small pillow forms last year and yesterday I  started on a square one. It will be crofused then mixed media will be applied once it is placed on the form. Yes, photos will be taken and uploaded soon.

I took the picture of this dandelion I took over the summer last year because it sprouted out of a concrete parking lot. Not in a crack but a tiny bowl.

I see it as a testament to life.

Give me the smallest bowl a little food and water and I will grow and flourish in the surrounding environment.